Where do I register to run?
When is the event?
The 5k, run, walk or trot is held annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, 5k at 9am and Kids Fun Run at 10am.
What is the cost?
The 5K entry fee is $30 per participant..
What does the entry fee include?
The 5k registration fee includes a tech t-shirt (men’s cut) sizes S, M, LG, XL, and Youth Large sized tech short sleeved tees for any youth 5K registrants. Tech tees and youth tees are only guaranteed with your registration until 11/4/24. Registrants after 11/4/24 will be given tees if they are available and sizes are not guaranteed.
Where is the starting location and finish line?
Westborough High School. The 5k is a loop course starting and ending at Westborough High School. Mixed flat and hills, roads, hilly course, one big climb then a gradual down.
What is the starting time?
9:00 am sharp
What is the course - is there a map?
Will there be food after the race?
Water and fruit will be available for runners/walkers
Will there be awards after the race?
The Turkey Trot will have gift certificates for the top 3 male and female finishers and the top age group finishers. No double awards will be given.
Will there be a bag storage service on site?
No, important to come only with your running gear
Do I need to pre-register?
Pre-registration is strongly suggested for the 5K and the Kid’s Fun Run. The online registration will close at 9am on Wednesday November 20, 2024. We will have paper registration available on the day of the race for a limited number of 5K participants up to 1,000 registrants. Registrations will also be accepted day of for the Kid’s Fun Run until 9:30am on race day.
I can’t remember if I registered. Can you check for me?
Please take advantage of RaceWire’s services to view the current list of registered participants. If you spot an error in your entry, please contact us at [email protected].
How do I get to the race?
The race is held at Westborough High School, 90 West Main Street, Westborough, MA 01581. From Interstate-495 to exit 23b (Route 9). Take Route 9 West for a distance of about one mile. Take the second exit for Route 30 (West). Follow Route 30 a distance of about 2½ miles to the rotary. Take Route 30 (West Main Street) about three quarters of a mile. Westborough High School is located on the left hand side after Charles Street
Is parking available?
Yes. Parking is available at Westborough High School in the main lot behind the school.
Will I get a t-shirt?
Technical t-shirts or youth large tech short sleeved tees are guaranteed to all 5K runners who register by November 4, 2024 and will be provided to runners who register after that date only if available, size not guaranteed.
How do I pick up my race bib?
You can pick up your bib early on Thursday, November 21st at Westborough High School from 4PM-8PM and on Friday, November 22nd from 3PM-6PM at Westborough High School. Bib pick up can also be done on the day of the race from 7:45AM.
Can I pre-register my child for the Kid’s Fun Run?
Yes, registration for the Kid’s Fun Run (for 3-12 year-old children) is available online the cost is $5 per child. You may also register the day of the race until 9:30 a.m. The Kid’s Fun Run begins at 10 a.m. It will be separated into three races, youth aged 3 and 4 years old (1/4 mile), youth aged 5 to 8 years old (1/2 mile) and youth aged 9 and over (1 mile).
Can I participate without running the race?
Yes, please come down to WHS to support the runners. We will have booths, giveaways, kids activities and a cheering section.
Can I push a baby jogger in the race?
We are a family-friendly event and want to be welcoming to participants pushing baby joggers. For safety reasons, we require people with baby joggers to start at the back of the pack and be extremely cautious throughout the race.
Can I bike in the race?
Unfortunately for the safety of all we do not permit participants to bike along the race course.
Are dogs allowed at the event?
While we love dogs, they are not permitted at our event. The Westborough Public Schools, like many school districts, do not allow dogs on school property for health reasons. In addition, due to the size of our race, dogs pose a potential safety hazard to runners and walkers on the course.
Can I walk in the race?
Absolutely, walkers and trotter are welcome and encouraged to participate!
What happens if there is inclement weather?
The race is held rain or shine. The awards ceremony, and all post-race activities will be held indoors if necessary.
What if I register and cannot attend?
There are no refunds. In addition, t-shirts cannot be held for registered runners/walkers who are unable to participate.
Can I volunteer for the race?
Yes! Many hands are needed to pull off this event. Different volunteer opportunities are available starting days before the race or during the event. There are many ways to volunteer, please contact us at [email protected]
How can I donate or raise money?
We have created an easy way to raise money or donate. All donations can be done through Racewire, or checks made out to Westborough Turkey Trot can be mailed to Westborough Turkey Trot, 45 West Main Street, Westborough, MA 01581. Individuals, families and corporations can all contribute. All donors will be recognized on our event website. Event sponsors have different levels of recognition. Please see our sponsor page for more information.
How do I train for my first 5K?
Many 5K training plans for beginners can be found online. Visit Runner’s World or Running Times websites for their training plans.
Who can I contact with any other questions?
[email protected]